
Advisement Appointments:

Fall Appointments and Walk-In Hours: 
Remote Appointments: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Walk-ins: 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. 
In-Person Appointments: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 
Walk-ins: 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. 
Walk-ins: 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 
Remote Appointments: 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 
In-Person Appointments: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 
Walk-ins: 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. 
Remote Appointments Only: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 

Students may schedule an in-person or virtual appointment on EAB Navigate using the link or QR code below. In-person advising sessions take place in Compton-Goethals Hall, Room CG 109. 

Lily Ivanov, Art Academic Advisor: 

EAB Navigate Appointment Link:

Preparing For Your Appointment:

  • Create a list of questions and potential courses for the upcoming term.
  • Review your DegreeWorks (DW) record and CUNYfirst transcript beforehand. 
  • Access DW via this link: or through your CUNYfirst account’s Student Center, DegreeWorks & FACTS tile.
  • Be ready to discuss your academic performance and develop an educational plan aligned with your goals.
  • Approach the session with an open mind and willingness to consider new perspectives.
  • Do your best to communicate clearly and openly with your advisor(s): ask questions, share ideas, or express concerns without hesitation.

Policies & Resources:

GPA Policy

All students who declared an art major after Spring 2009 must maintain a grade point average of 2.5 or higher in order to remain in the major. Please read the details here.


The Art Department has a full-time Academic Advising Specialist available Monday through Thursday in the Art Office and remotely on Fridays. Please see the fall hours listed above. In addition, full-time faculty are available to advise students regarding major requirements and career goals. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Art Office for faculty office hours.

DegreeWorks (DW)

DW lists the classes a student has taken and in-progress classes, & identifies classes still needed to fulfill graduation requirements. Occasionally, a DW record needs to be manually updated by an advisor–the most common occurrence is when a course shows up in the wrong category and needs to be moved–so please confirm any inconsistencies with your advisor.  Additionally, DW offers a valuable “What If” feature, enabling students to explore requirements for various majors and minors available at CCNY.


Students declare majors, sub plans, and minors through the iDeclare application:  iDeclare CCNY—Major/Subplan/Minor Declaration Portal

  • Indicate if you are a Macaulay Honors student.
  • Choose the type of plan, sub-plan, or minor you would like to take action on.
  • Select the action (Change/Drop/Add) you would like to apply to your current plan.
  • If you have multiple plans, select which plan you would like to change via the drop-down box.
  • Review the request to ensure that it is correct.
  • Submit the form and check your CCNY email for confirmation.
  • A link will be provided for a status update in your CCNY confirmation email.

Graduation Check Forms

Please Note: Students who entered CCNY prior to FA05, have the option of continuing to follow the old curriculum and should use the appropriate form

Helpful Links:

Hello CCNY New & Returning Art Students:

We are excited to welcome you to the fall term! 

This week, 8/28-9/03, is the Change of Program period. Please don’t hesitate to schedule an advisement appointment with our art academic advisor, Lily Ivanov, through EAB Navigate ( to review any questions about your art classes for your fall schedule.

For questions about general education (Pathways or College Option) courses, please make an appointment with a Humanities and the Arts advisor on EAB Navigate. 

Link to DegreeWorks:​

Link to iDeclare:

Link to Art Major Concentrations & Minors Information

CUNY Global Class Search (to check current open course sections):

For general Art Department inquiries, email or call 212-650-7420. Art Department Faculty & Staff emails can be found here & here.

Reminder: It is critical that you use your CCNY email accounts to receive instructions from your professors, CCNY and CUNY. Please also check your courses on Blackboard; announcements from individual professors may be posted there or sent to your CCNY email account.

(Updated 8/28/24)


For the Fall 2024 Academic Calendar please click here.

For the CCNY Counseling Center please click here.

Appointments for CCNY Food Pantry please click here.

Access to Digital Resources visit the CCNY Library.

Emergency Grants for CCNY students please click here.