DIAP++ == print “pairs/mp4” ==
== print “pairs.mp4”==
April 4th 2022 – April 14th 2022
Compton Goethals Art Gallery
Exhibiting Artists:
Ryan Maleady, Gregg Béllon, Phyllis Lehrer, Ewan Tang, Sarah Cameron Sunde, Joshua Dumas, Tiffany Zorrilla, Jean Carla Rodea, Erica Shires, Wenjun Chen, Clarinda Mac Low, Adrian Jones, German Lavrovsky
The idea for the exhibition came while thinking about an expansion from the singular to the multiple and the change in perspective this brings. The placement of the two human eyes, as close as this pair is, enables us to perceive depth which in turn allows us to provide our extensions with the information needed to reach out and grab our phones with a pretty high probability. Many new smartphones have multiple lenses to capture depth as well, but these phones don’t have built-in extensions yet, they can’t grab another phone.
Otherwise this could become an endless grab.
The exhibition DIAP++, == print “pairs.mp4”== shows pairs.
Pairings of artists currently in the Digital & Interdisciplinary Art Practice [DIAP] MFA Program and artists who graduated from it. There are pairs of works that are opposite each other, next to each other, relate to each other, among each other and without one another. Together they create new perspectives.
Exhibition checklist and participating artists